Nan'an City issued the implementation plan of the three year action plan for winning the blue sky de


According to the implementation plan of the three year action plan for fighting and winning the blue sky in Fujian Province (min Zheng [2018] No. 25) and the notice of the people's Government of Quanzhou on printing and distributing the implementation plan of the three year action plan for fighting and winning the blue sky in Quanzhou City (Quan Zheng Wen [2019] No. 45), Nan'an City has formulated and issued the implementation plan of the three year action plan for fighting and winning the blue sky. The details are as follows:

1. Target indicators

By 2020, the ambient air quality will continue to improve, 6 pollutant indicators will be better than the national standards, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations will further decline, PM2.5 concentration will strive to reduce to 25 μ g / m3, the rising trend of ozone concentration will be effectively curbed, and the air quality will meet the assessment requirements of the province and Quanzhou City; during the 13th Five Year Plan period, the emission reductions of key projects of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide will be completed respectively. Emission reduction tasks assigned by Quanzhou City.

2. Adjust and optimize the industrial structure and promote the green development of the industry

(I) optimize the industrial layout. The red line of ecological protection, the bottom line of environmental quality, the online utilization of resources and the preparation of the list of ecological environment access have been completed. Carry out regional and planning environmental impact assessment. Strictly control the construction of projects with high VOCs emissions, and relevant new projects must enter the industrial park. The new refining and chemical projects should meet the requirements of the overall layout of the petrochemical industry in our province. Increase the relocation and transformation of heavy polluting enterprises in urban built-up areas or shut down and withdraw. We will promote the optimization, restructuring, upgrading and transformation of key atmospheric prevention and control enterprises. Control the new chemical industry park.

(II) strictly control the production capacity of "two high" industries. We will strictly control the new production capacity of iron and steel, casting, cement, and other industries, and implement the capacity replacement measures for related industries. We will eliminate backward production capacity and reduce excess capacity. Focusing on steel, thermal power, cement and other industries and equipment, a number of substandard, unqualified products or eliminated production capacity shall be shut down and withdrawn according to laws and regulations. Strictly prevent the resurgence of "ground bar steel".

(III) strengthen the comprehensive treatment of enterprises with "scattered pollution". Formulate the standards for the treatment of "scattered pollution" enterprises and clusters. We will carry out mesh screening and classified disposal, establish management accounts, and strive to basically complete them by the end of 2019. Establish the dynamic management mechanism of "scattered pollution" enterprises.

(IV) vigorously cultivate green environmental protection industry. Expand the scale of green industry. Promote the agglomeration development of green environmental protection industry. Actively promote the overall solution of energy conservation and environmental protection.

3. Accelerate the adjustment of energy structure and build a clean and efficient energy system

5. Optimize the energy structure. Clean and efficient development of coal power, giving priority to the development of cogeneration. Increase the consumption of renewable energy. In 2020, the total consumption of industrial energy above Designated Size will be controlled within 1.21 million tons of standard coal. In 2020, the proportion of coal in primary energy consumption will be reduced to less than 35%, and the utilization rate of clean energy will be increased to more than 20%. Accelerate the construction of natural gas infrastructure, and strive to maintain an annual growth rate of more than 15% of the city's natural gas consumption. Accelerate the replacement of electric energy. By 2020, promote the proportion of electric energy in the end energy consumption to reach 40%. In addition to the process requirements, the decentralized industrial coal-fired oil fired furnaces will be eliminated. The coverage rate of electric tea in the whole city is over 90%; the coverage rate of coastal port ships and official ships in the whole city is over 90%; more than 50% of the built specialized container berths have the ability to supply shore power to ships; the charging pile with task index issued by the superior has been built.

(6) to deepen the comprehensive renovation of coal-fired boilers. In principle, no new coal-fired boilers of 10 t / h or less will be built in the city. For burning biomass briquette, the special boiler for biomass briquette or the special boiler equipped with efficient dust removal facilities must be used. Strengthen the supervision and management of the no burning area, complete the elimination of coal-fired boilers and all kinds of facilities for burning "high pollution fuel", implement ultra-low emission transformation of biomass boilers, and in principle, no new coal-fired boilers of less than 35 tons per hour will be built. Organize the inspection and control of "eliminating black chimneys" within the high pollution fuel prohibition area, as well as within the visible range of highway, national highway and railway.

7. Improve energy efficiency. We will take action to control the total amount and intensity of energy consumption. We will promote high-efficiency, energy-saving and low-carbon technologies and products. We will improve the standards for building energy conservation and increase the promotion of green buildings. Improve the energy measurement system. We will encourage energy-saving transformation of rural housing.

4. Actively adjust transportation structure and develop green transportation system

(8) to fight a tough battle for pollution control of diesel trucks. We will formulate and implement the action plan to tackle the pollution of diesel trucks, and implement the actions to clean diesel vehicles, clean diesel engines, clean transportation and clean oil products. We will vigorously promote the elimination and renewal of diesel trucks operating under the third national emission standard in advance, and orderly promote the elimination of old gas vehicles using lean combustion technology and "oil to gas". Promote the use of gas vehicles that meet the national six emission standards.

(9) optimize and adjust the mode of transportation of goods. We will increase the proportion of railway freight transport, and move forward the shift of freight transport from road transport to rail transport for key industrial enterprises and industrial parks. Increase the proportion of container railways in coastal ports. We will formulate and implement an action plan to adjust transport structure, develop multimodal transport, and build a green logistics system for cities. By 2020, strive to build a freight hub and supporting logistics concentration area in the trunk highway or trunk railway.

(10) accelerate the upgrading of vehicle and ship structures. Accelerate the use of new or clean energy vehicles in urban built-up areas, and encourage the use of pure electric vehicles. Accelerate the construction of charging facilities. By the end of 2020, the city's urban public transport will be upgraded to new energy or clean energy vehicles, and the road passenger lines suitable for the application of new energy vehicles will achieve the electrification rate of 50%. New energy vehicles will be preferred for the addition or renewal of urban Taxis, and the electrification rate of urban Taxis will be higher than the national average level. The time-sharing rental vehicles will achieve the electrification, and the special urban vehicles such as sanitation and logistics will achieve the electrification. The conversion rate reached 50%. Fully implement the first stage emission standards for engines of newly built ships, and promote the use of new energy or clean energy ships.

11. Accelerate the upgrading of oil quality. According to the deployment of the whole province, we will comprehensively supply the automobile gasoline and diesel that meet the national six standards, stop selling the gasoline and diesel that are lower than the national six standards, and realize the "three oil integration" of automobile diesel, ordinary diesel and some ship oil. Before the research and sale, the fuel cleaning synergist meeting the environmental protection requirements is added to the vehicle gasoline and diesel.

(12) strengthen the prevention and control of mobile source pollution. We will severely crack down on violations of environmental protection standards for newly produced and sold motor vehicles. Build the city's motor vehicle emission information database. We will promote in-depth management of old diesel vehicles. Strengthen the supervision of motor vehicles on the road. Construction and installation of motor vehicle remote sensing monitoring equipment that meets the national standards and is verified to be qualified. Carry out the survey of non road mobile machinery, delimit the low emission control area of non road mobile machinery, prohibit the use of high emission non road mobile machinery, and complete the survey and delimitation before the end of 2020. We will promote the clean transformation and elimination of machines that fail to meet the emission standards. The key coastal ports of our city shall be included in the management of the ship discharge control area within the time limit required by the relevant provincial work requirements, and the enforcement inspection of the fuel oil for ships shall be strengthened. We will speed up the construction of shore power facilities at ports and docks, and increase the utilization rate of shore power facilities. By the end of 2020, more than 50% of the specialized berths (excluding dangerous goods berths) of the main coastal ports will have the ability to supply shore power to ships. We will strengthen the management of inland ships and control the discharge of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. The vehicle and vessel transporting organic liquid and other related articles shall be equipped with oil and gas recovery interface. New and replacement tugs in coastal ports are preferred to use clean energy.

5. Optimize and adjust land use structure and promote non-point source pollution control

(XIII) strengthen the guidance of green planning. Strengthen the research on Urban Ventilation corridor, avoid the construction of high-rise buildings in Urban Ventilation corridor and enhance the diffusion capacity of urban air pollutants in urban planning, design and approval.

(14) promote land greening and forest quality improvement. Fully tap the potential of afforestation, scientifically expand afforestation space, and ensure that all kinds of slashes are updated in time. Do a good job in general afforestation and focus on the construction of "three belts and one area". In the process of urban function release, renewal and adjustment, the vacated space should be given priority to white space, green area and green coverage.

(15) strengthen the comprehensive control of dust. Strictly supervise the construction dust. Development of prefabricated buildings. Establish the management list of housing construction, municipal road and demolition construction site, and implement the construction dust prevention responsibility. The cost of dust pollution prevention and control shall be included in the project cost, and dust pollution prevention and control shall be included in the project supervision content and the standardized and civilized construction management of safety production. In the construction site of urban built-up area, it is necessary to increase the dust control of construction site, promote the installation of dust online monitoring and video monitoring equipment in the construction site, connect with relevant competent departments, and list whether to install dust online monitoring and video monitoring system in the "one vote veto" item of provincial and municipal standardization excellent project. Put the bad information of dust management in place into the credit management system of the construction market. We will strengthen road cleaning and improve the rate of mechanized road cleaning. By the end of 2020, more than 60% of urban areas will be cleaned. Strengthen the management of muck transport vehicles. We will strengthen the control of dust pollution at the terminal, and establish a system of joint inspection, administrative punishment and information notification by the port management and ecological environment departments.

(16) to promote the comprehensive renovation of open-pit mines. New open-pit mines must meet the requirements of the overall planning for mineral resources of provinces and cities. By the end of 2019, the bottom investigation of open-pit mines will be completed, and comprehensive treatment will be carried out. Strengthen the management of gangue hill.

(17) strengthen the comprehensive utilization of straw and the control of ammonia nitrogen emission. By the end of 2020, the comprehensive utilization rate of crop straw will reach over 85%. We should strengthen the daily law enforcement inspection of straw burning, stop and investigate and deal with straw burning in a timely manner. Strengthen the supervision of open burning. Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. By 2020, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the city will be 10% less than that in 2016. Strengthen the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, improve the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure, and reduce the emission of ammonia volatilization.

We will continue to deepen industrial pollution control and vigorously reduce pollutant emissions

(18) continuously promote the discharge of industrial pollution sources up to the standard. Establish an enterprise emission permit system covering all fixed pollution sources, and complete the issuance of industry permits specified in the emission permit management directory by the end of 2020. Comprehensively investigate environmental violations such as excessive emissions; strive to keep all kinds of industrial pollution sources up to standard emissions by the end of 2019.

(XIX) promote the upgrading and transformation of pollution control in key industries. Fully implement local VOCs emission standards for key industries. New steel, thermal power, cement and non-ferrous projects shall be subject to special emission limits of air pollutants, and the emission standards of air pollutants for waste incineration power generation enterprises shall be improved. We will promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions in industries such as iron and steel. In principle, natural gas should be used for new construction ceramics projects. We will continue to promote pollution control in the ceramic industry. By the end of June 2019, we will complete the installation and networking of the on-line monitoring facilities for the spray drying tower, and upgrade and upgrade the kiln pollution control facilities before the end of October.

(XX) strengthen the treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Adhere to source reduction and process control, accelerate the transformation of production process and equipment, and increase the use of green and low volatile coating products. Formulate the annual VOCs comprehensive remediation implementation plan, further promote the VOCs governance project in key industries; fully implement the leakage detection and repair (LDAR) in petrochemical industry, and gradually promote LDAR in pharmaceutical, pesticide, paint, ink and other industries. Implementation of VOCs regional emission reduction and replacement. Strictly restrict the construction of projects involving solvents with high VOCs content. Select the best feasible technology cases of VOCs in typical industries. Carry out special enforcement actions for VOCs remediation. Support enterprises with good VOCs governance effect and enterprises with poor punishment effect. In 2020, the total VOCs emission of the city will strive to reduce by more than 10% compared with 2015.

(21) promote circular transformation, standardized development, quality and efficiency improvement of the park. We will vigorously promote cleaner production in enterprises. We will transform industrial parks to meet the standards within a time limit to reduce pollution in industrial clusters. Improve and promote central heating in the park. If possible, the VOCs emission related industrial cluster will be built into a centralized spraying Engineering Center.

(22) strengthen the unorganized emission control of industrial enterprises. We will carry out investigation of unorganized emissions from key industries and coal-fired boilers, establish management accounts, and conduct in-depth treatment of unorganized emissions, which will be basically completed by the end of 2020.

(23) carry out special actions for the treatment of industrial furnaces and kilns. Carry out comprehensive treatment of industrial furnaces and kilns, establish management lists of all kinds of industrial furnaces and kilns, and carry out comprehensive treatment by classification. The treatment of industrial furnaces and kilns is the key point of environmental protection supervision. All industrial furnaces and kilns that are not listed in the list are included in the key objects of pollution weather response peak shifting production management.

7. Strengthen regional joint prevention and control to effectively deal with polluted weather

(24) establish and improve the cooperation mechanism for prevention and control of regional air pollution. Combined with the construction of Xiamen Zhangzhou spring urbanization and southwest Fujian Coordinated Development Zone, further promote the joint prevention and control of air pollution with the surrounding counties as the focus. Establish and improve the cooperation mechanism, define the control objectives and key prevention and control measures, and carry out the normal joint prevention and control and regional emergency linkage of polluted weather.

(XXV) strengthen response to light pollution weather and consolidate emergency emission reduction measures. We will improve the mechanism for joint consultation and assessment of environmental protection and meteorology, and improve the ability to predict air quality. Carry out medium and long term trend prediction of air quality. We will further improve the response mechanism for light pollution weather, improve the response plan for light pollution weather, refine the emission reduction measures, implement each process link of the enterprise, and implement the management of "one factory, one policy". Strengthen the response to ozone pollution weather, according to the characteristics of ozone formation, strengthen the control of VOCs and NOx emission enterprises, rectify "scattered pollution", and implement peak shifting production. Every year, we will organize and implement special actions to prevent and control air pollution for one hundred days to ensure the quality of the environment and air.

8. Improve the system of laws and regulations and environmental economic policies

(XXVI) broaden investment and financing channels and increase economic policy support. Financial expenditure should incline to the blue sky defense and increase the investment in air pollution prevention and control. All relevant departments should actively explore the market-oriented financing mode to solve the funding gap of air pollution prevention and control. Formulate and improve relevant environmental economic tax policies to support the improvement of ambient air quality.

9. Strengthen basic capacity building and strictly supervise environmental law enforcement

(XXVII) improve the environmental monitoring network and strengthen the basic support of science and technology. Strengthen the construction of air quality automatic monitoring network. Promote the construction of atmospheric photochemical monitoring network. Key industrial parks and ports are equipped with air quality monitoring stations. The elevated sources with a height of more than 45m and the key VOCs emission sources shall be included in the list of key emission units, and the enterprises shall be urged to install automatic monitoring facilities for flue gas emission, which shall be basically completed by the end of 2020. In 2019, Quanzhou city's vehicle environmental protection supervision information system will be applied to strengthen vehicle emission supervision. Promote the installation of real-time positioning and emission monitoring devices for construction machinery and build emission monitoring platform according to the provincial deployment. Cooperate to carry out the operation and maintenance collection of automatic monitoring station of ambient air quality. Strengthen the supervision of environmental monitoring and operation and maintenance institutions. Carry out special actions for environmental monitoring data quality supervision and inspection. We will strengthen scientific research in the prevention and control of air pollution. By the end of 2020, a round of air emission source inventory will be completed. Use the Provincial Ecological cloud platform to carry out big data analysis, etc.
