Heavyweight: Notice on standardizing stone mining and strengthening mine safety management


On September 11, China Stone Association issued the "notice on regulating the mining of stone mines and strengthening the safety management of Mines", which is as follows:

All stone associations, competent departments of stone industry zone government, stone management committee, stone mining enterprises:

With the continuous promotion of green mine construction and stone industry integration and upgrading, the progress of stone mining technology provides strong support for the improvement of stone mining efficiency. At present, under the influence of national stone industry integration and environmental protection policy implementation, the contradiction between natural stone market demand and resource development, raw material supply is increasingly prominent. The output and sales price of waste materials in stone mines are greatly increased, and the production and sales situation of most stone mines is good.

However, behind the improvement of the management situation of the mining enterprises, some managers have weak awareness of safety production, neglect safety management, some problems of the historical backlog of mines can not be solved for a long time, the current situation of stone mine safety is not optimistic, and the situation is grim. Mine roof collapse, slope and surrounding rock collapse often occur, and even casualties and property losses occur.

The most prominent problem of hidden danger of stone mine safety is that the mine construction and mining are not standardized; the open-pit mine does not reserve the safety slope and safety platform in accordance with the requirements of the specifications; the height of the mining bench stage is too high; the mine development and utilization plan and mining design plan are as if they were fictitious; the slope of some mine transportation roads is too steep, and the turning radius is not large enough; there is no water interception and drainage ditch, and precipitation can be collected at will. Runoff is formed on the stope or road; the waste dump is not constructed in accordance with the specifications, and retaining walls and intercepting ditches are not built.

Soil erosion, even debris flow. The above-mentioned problems have laid a major hidden danger for the safety of the mine. Once a disaster is formed, it will cause great casualties and damages to enterprises, mine production personnel and surrounding residents, with unimaginable consequences. There are also many hidden dangers in underground mines: digging holes at will without scientific mining design; reserving safety pillars is not standardized, or even without scientific calculation; ventilation facilities are not complete, the setting of safety escape channels is not standard, and the setting of safety signs and signs in the tunnel is not complete, etc. What's more, in order to highlight economic interests, regardless of the risk of collapse, safety pillars are not reserved for mining, leading to cave roof collapse, causing major casualties.

In the middle of July this year, a granite mine in Cenxi of Guangxi suffered a collapse accident, which resulted in many casualties. The objective reason is that the geological conditions of the reserved slope in the early stage of the mine are complex, the fracture structure is developed, and the precipitation in rainy season is increased, the rainwater is eroded and infiltrated, the bedrock on the top of the slope is unstable, resulting in the collapse of thousands of cubic meters of boulders. The human reason is that the mining slope is too high, the safety platform and The cleaning platform reservation is not standardized, the width is not enough, and the angle of the safety slope is too large, reaching 80 ° locally. The most important thing is that the complex geological conditions are not grasped, the hidden dangers of geological disasters are not recognized, and the fracture structure will cause such a great impact. The mine safety management mechanism is not perfect and the safety monitoring means are backward, which is also a factor of the mine disaster. If the international advanced slope displacement radar scanning monitoring system is adopted, early detection, early alarm, early prevention and elimination of hidden dangers, it is possible to avoid the major casualties of the builders.

Throughout the current situation of stone mining in China, there are some problems, such as the irregular design of mining, the nonstandard final slope of mine, the reserved position and width of safety platform and cleaning platform can not be done according to the requirements of the specifications, and the height of mining steps can be set at will. The hidden danger of safety is more prominent, especially in the mines with circular saw mining, "one wall" mining slope basically exists. , forming high and steep slope mining. In order to mine more waste materials, regardless of whether the slope safety angle is too large, whether the mining bench height is reasonable, whether the reserved position of the safety platform is correct, whether the width of the platform meets the requirements, the miner blindly pursues the output of waste materials, blindly expands the mining volume of the mining platform, mines the ore body part of the reserved slope as far as possible, puts life safety behind, and completely loses. Loss of safety awareness.

In view of the severe situation of production safety faced by stone mines in China, China Stone Association once again stressed that all stone mines must be standardized mining, strengthen safety production management, carefully check and organize production, and put an end to all mine disasters.

1. All stone mining enterprises should pay more attention to the study and implementation of national safety production laws and regulations, and further strengthen safety production management. Enterprise leaders should firmly establish the ideology of safety first, overcome the fluke mentality, establish and improve the safety production management organization, management system and safety supervision mechanism, strengthen the safety education of employees, and strengthen the safety awareness.

2. The mine construction shall be carried out in strict accordance with the mine development and utilization plan and the mining design plan, and the plan shall not be changed at will. In production mines, the mining design scheme shall be improved, and mines without mining scheme shall be supplemented and improved, and mining without scheme is strictly prohibited.

3. Thoroughly renovate "one wall" slope, prepare rectification plan and organize implementation. The reserved position and width of the final slope, mining platform and cleaning platform designed in strict accordance with the rectification scheme shall not exceed the angle of the safety slope, and the number and width of the platform shall not be reduced.

4. The drainage principle of rainwater and sewage separation shall be strictly implemented in the mine. The intercepting ditch and drainage ditch shall be dug and built strictly in accordance with the design scheme, and the sewage recycling system and the atmospheric precipitation intercepting and drainage system shall be improved to prevent the damage of mining facilities and casualties caused by flood.

5. Standardize the construction of mine waste dump. Strictly implement in accordance with the stacking sequence of the waste dump and the requirements of the reserved platform, and design the earth retaining
